Ever-evolving needs
As your business evolves, your marketing strategy should too.
Larger B2B enterprises must adopt a different approach to marketing than smaller competitors, in order to scale operations, protect their brand’s position, maximise penetration in existing markets, and grow their sales in new ones.
With so many stakeholders shaping decisions, it’s vital that a strategic marketing plan is established to plot a clear path to success. This should make clear the business case for a brand’s marketing campaigns and activity, outlining the reasons, rewards and potential fallout of falling behind its competitors.
Yet, only 6 out of 10 marketers think their brand is aligned with their organisation’s overall strategy. Furthermore, 63% of businesses do not have a documented content strategy. Considering that 77% of B2B purchasers choose to not speak to a salesperson until they've done their own research online, this is one area where many businesses are at risk of falling behind.
The marketing strategy for a large B2B enterprise will no doubt encompass many elements, including social media, SEO, digital ads, creative, PR, and much more.
It’s a lot to manage - but you don’t have to do it alone.