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Don't just study marketing, live it: five overlooked benefits of a placement year 

Written by Sam Freeman Sam Freeman
Don't just study marketing, live it: five overlooked benefits of a placement year 

When thinking about a placement year, the idea of adding an extra 12 months to your university degree can seem daunting, especially if your friends aren't following the same path as you. Fear of being one year behind your cohort isn't a very pleasant thought. However, when you understand the true value of a placement year, this decision may become a little easier.

The obvious benefits of a placement year are that it looks great on your CV, more often than not you receive a salary, and you gain industry experience. But I believe that, beneath the surface, there are far more advantages than you may originally think. Let’s explore a few of them.

Continue to learn

A placement year can act as a litmus test for the knowledge you have learnt in the lecture theatre, but I think its value extends far beyond this. I'm not saying you need to embark on your year in the industry with all the knowledge to excel from day one. In fact, I think the beauty of a placement lies in the fact that many students don't initially have all the knowledge they need. This forces you to drop the ego and learn, which can be a humbling experience, but an invaluable one, too.

Unlike a theoretical essay, real-world marketing demands adaptability and an understanding of the subject that goes beyond regurgitating concepts and theory. You become a student again, but this time in a professional setting, making the lessons more memorable and applicable. Moreover, gaining professional experience a full year before your peers provides you with a significant advantage when competing for graduate roles, setting you up for future success. 

Get value beyond CV-boosting

If you google “what are the benefits of a placement year,” almost all the results will mention that it will enhance your CV, as employers value industry experience. While this is undoubtedly true, I think this approach overlooks some of the specific qualities you develop while working a full-time job – which are often hard to convey on a CV – such as accountability. 

Stepping out of your comfort zone and into the real world of business does not just create the opportunity to post a catchy LinkedIn update on your learning experience and how you got on with the team. I actually think that reducing your experience to a CV-boosting opportunity does a disservice to what you can learn in your placement year. 

Working in a professional environment demands a level of responsibility and accountability the lecture theatre simply cannot replicate. Yes, you gain invaluable experience, but everyone says this! Instead, boast about how you learnt to engage positively with clients, pitch ideas in team meetings, manage your workload, and challenge ideas. These are the things that will really help you stand out.

Build your confidence

Maybe the single biggest win any student gets from a placement year is a confidence boost. Interacting with colleagues, clients and stakeholders forces you to develop communications skills that are unique to the industry. Little victories, such as speaking up in a meeting or avoiding any spelling errors in a client's social post, all contribute to a growing sense of self-belief. This will give you confidence you never knew you had. 

Paint a picture for your future employer

Another thing that is often overlooked is what completing a placement year conveys to your future employer. The easy route is to complete your three years of university, sticking with your mates and remaining comfortable. Breaking this up with a placement year suggests a willingness to challenge yourself and become comfortable in uncomfortable situations. 

In the shoe's of a recruitment officer reviewing potential candidates for a vacancy, this is a highly attractive quality. This initiative sets you apart as a candidate who is not only passionate about marketing, but also seeks out professional growth opportunities. So, next time you update your CV remember to include these characteristics.

Become application-ready

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, a placement year helps you familiarise yourself with the sometimes ruthless process of applying for a job. It can take practice to overcome the disappointment of a rejection, after putting hours into submitting your application. After a few failed attempts, you may think you'll never find a job. 

However, taking time to read feedback (although this isn't always given, which can be frustrating) can help you identify areas for improvement and nail future applications.

Additionally, by completing several interviews – the most daunting aspect of job seeking for most people – you can learn to control that empty feeling in your stomach in the future (we've all had it). Learning to deal with nerves and turning them into an advantage is something you can only do by trial and error. Therefore, you might need to go through a few bad interviews before you become an expert at them. The placement application process is a great way to start this journey.

While a placement year might seem like an extra hurdle, it's actually a springboard. It offers an opportunity to develop confidence, resilience and skills that will propel your marketing career forward. Embrace the challenges, and let them usher you into a successful future.

If you’re interested in applying for a placement year at The Marketing Pod, get in touch with the team.

Sam Freeman

Sam Freeman

Sam is a dynamic Digital Marketing Executive who thrives in the fast-paced world of analytics and strategy. Inspired by Rory Sutherland's Alchemy, Sam developed a passion for the psychological side of marketing and has since honed skills in tools like Google Analytics and HubSpot. Outside work, Sam is a sports enthusiast, jazz lover, and advocate for good manners—especially on the road!


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