Generative engine optimisation (GEO)

Did you know that Gartner predicts a significant drop in traditional search volume, with organic search traffic expected to decrease by over 50% as consumers embrace AI-powered search?¹

The way people search online is changing, driven by the rise in Generative AI technologies. While traditional SEO can still help you move up the search rankings, securing a spot in AI generated responses requires a different approach.

By optimising webpages and online content for generative engines, you can mitigate the reduction in web traffic that so many businesses are experiencing, and build a new kind of trust with your target audience.

We can help you succeed in search, and make sure your B2B brand stands the best possible chance of being top of page.

¹ Gartner Predicts Search Engine Volume Will Drop 25% by 2026, Due to AI Chatbots and Other Virtual Agents.